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Reducing VOCs In The Shop

Well, here we are again, talking about how to reduce VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in your shop. It’s surprising, in light of today’s regulatory environment, to see how many businesses still don’t even think or care about the subject…but it’s an important part of our business lives. In some states it seems that VOCs are

Rebuilt Market Reviews – Brakes Market: Rebuilders And Suppliers Chant The Same Mantra

When it comes to current trends in the brake rebuilding market, rebuilders and suppliers chant the same mantra – “price” and “quality.” Both are the primary forces driving parts and equipment suppliers’ and rebuilders’ business. Consumers demand the best performing materials, but of course, at the lowest possible price. Unfortunately, say many rebuilders and their

Grinding Techniques: In Thousands Of Years, The Basics Of Grinding Haven’t Changed

Grinding is one of the oldest methods known for shaping and sharpening objects. It was first used in prehistoric times to make weapons and other tools by rubbing wood, stones, bones and eventually metal against hard, abrasive rocks. In thousands of years, the basics of grinding haven’t changed. We’re still rubbing an abrasive against metal

Rules & Regs: There Are Numerous Annual And Semi-Annual Reports That Are Required Of Any Firm That Uses Or Purchases Regulated Chemicals And Materials

Depending on location, there are numerous annual and semi-annual reports that are required of any firm that uses or purchases regulated chemicals and materials. In addition to the actual reports, there are voluminous records that must be maintained and annual calculations performed to demonstrate compliance. Many firms do not believe that these reports and records are important, that they just add

Turn of the Wheel: Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association (APRA) CV and Rack Clinic

Once again the Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association (APRA) CV and Rack Clinic held May 4-5 in Chicago, was a huge success.Rich Lovely of Powerline, Inc., Roebuck, SC, and chairman of the APRA clinic did a fantastic job recruiting speakers and handling the many program details. The topic on grinding did not seem as heated as