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Updating The Late Model Hemi

At the time of our build a new 6.1L was around $1,000 from Mopar. This is definitely reasonably priced but we really planned to stick to a budget and did not know what we would be up against. One thing that really threw a wrench into things was – just for giggles – we entered

Racing Oil and Additves

Engine oil has sometimes been compared to a cake mix. The base oil is like the flour and the additives are the spices. How much is used of each varies by the type of cake and its intended use. Birthday cakes don’t really work for weddings. Engine builders have also been compared to gourmet chefs,

Racing Oils Can Offer Extra Power & Protection For Your Performance Engine

Building high performance engines doesn’t come cheap. The components you use cost more, the time you take to build each motor is longer, and paying attention to detail is the name of the game. High performance engines have a very small margin for error when it comes to tolerances and extreme loads, therefore the demand